الأحد، 19 فبراير 2017

Starting Scuba Diving - Tips on How to start Scuba Diving

Learning to scuba dive is easy and can be undertaken by anyone, young and old, who are willing and dedicated to learning and make the investment for this adventure sport. Today, training programs have made scuba diving accessible to anyone. Men, women, kids, elderly and even disabled alike have the opportunity to learn how to scuba dive.

However before you can start experiencing the excitement that scuba gives you, you will have to learn how to scuba dive through proper training. Unlike snorkelling you cannot just decide to buy or rent equipment and start to scuba dive. This is because scuba diving involves some risks which require special training. Dive shops will not take you for scuba excursions unless you have proof that you have the necessary training and scuba diving certification.

So before anything else you have to first learn how to scuba through the proper training from a qualified diving instructor. However do not get overwhelmed, scuba is a safe and easy adventure sports. Basic skills can be learned in a three-day course. You just need to go and enroll yourself at a scuba class. 
So let us get started. Let me show you what you need to know if you want to learn how to scuba dive.

Health Requirements to start scuba diving

Although Scuba diving is easy, it can be a strenuous physical activity. For this reason, you should be physically prepared. Your overall health should be reasonably good, particularly you circulatory and respiratory systems. Ideally, you should talk to your doctor to give you the all clear to start scuba.

You should also be aware that certain, certifying agencies may also require a certificate of good health before you are able to start training. Physically you should be a reasonably proficient swimmer who is comfortable and relaxed in the water. However, the most important of all, even if you are the strongest swimmer out there, is that you are mentally prepared to learn how to scuba dive and posses a mature attitude in handling this adventure sports.

Scuba Certification

So the question is, why do you need to train through courses for scuba? You need to obtain a scuba diving certification. Well, the most important factor in scuba training is that the basic scuba diving lessons are intended to prepare you to scuba concepts and make you comfortable with the equipment you need. equipment, as you can rent the scuba equipment from the diving school. You will gain knowledge on the type of equipment you need at a later stage.

Getting Started

The first step in getting your scuba diving certification is to locate a dive shop in your area. Preferably visit more than one dive shop, to get a hang on what is on offer, maybe they may have some interesting course packages.

Once you have made your choice on your diving school, sign up for a beginner scuba diving class. At this point in time, you are not required to purchase any sort of diving equipment, as you can rent the scuba equipment from the diving school. You will gain knowledge on the type of equipment you need at a later stage.

Another way to learn how to scuba dive is to get a resort course. This is a short course which is only limited to shallow dives with your instructor, includes a short theory session with your instructor, and learning basic scuba diving skills in the confined water. This type, of course, allows you to explore diving and is a great way to determine if scuba is for you without having to invest into the full cost of a certification.

Obtaining the full scuba diving certification is very similar to getting your driver's license. The courses are structured around theory and hands-on basic scuba diving training in confined and later in open water.

Instructor AMRO MASHAT

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